Anonymous Drug Tip Line: 740-695-DRUG (3784)

Public Records

Submit a Request Online:

What type of information are you requesting? (check all that apply)

How would you like this information returned to you? (check all that apply)

Someone will contact you within three (3) business days regarding this requiest.

Your public records request will not be processed until you click the 'Submit Request' button. If you would like to receive an email confirmation, provide an email address below. Thank you for your inquiry.

Missing Required Information:
Please select the type of information you are requesting at the top of this form.

Payment can be made in the form of cash, or check or money order made payable to the Belmont County Sheriff and sent to:

Belmont County Sheriff's Office
68137 Hammond Rd
St. Clairsville, OH 43950

Road Advisory
There are currently no road advisories for Belmont County.
Crime Stoppers

The tip line may exclusively be reached at 877-847-7487.

Tips will NOT be accepted through social media, websites or email in order to ensure confidentiality.

The Crime Stoppers of the Upper Ohio Valley website is

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